Saturday, June 23, 2012

More Mod Podge Please...

I have been a podging fool for the last few days! There was a step stool, a couple birdhouses, coasters, name signs, some's a wonder my kids are not covered with pretty paper yet! I am doing all these projects to add to the inventory for the business that I hope will be generating some revenue for me and my crafty BFF because we are broke.  We have many items to sell, but the problem is where do we sell them? In all reality we thought we would be up and running by now by doing different flea markets and craft shows each weekend but between rainy saturdays and four kids who all play sports it has been a little harder than we expected.  I think our next step is an online marketplace and Here is a taste of what Cloud 9 Design will be offering.  Enjoy and please feel free to offer feedback!

This is a stepstool I painted, papered and embellished.  I can make these to go with any theme or color scheme.

These coasters were papered and sealed and can be made to match any room of your house.

Patriotic Bird House that I papered and podged.

Personalized Name personal specialty!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

OMG...that was a long nap!

My goodness, where has the time gone? So I guess this is my first post in about, ummm, I dont know...just ONE WHOLE YEAR! I blame my absence on my kids, they have more on their calendar in one week then I have during a whole month, and I am the lucky one who gets to drive them to all of their activities! Don't get it twisted though, I have still made time for crafting throughout the past year and I cant wait to start sharing some of my projects right here on my blog.  The most exciting thing that has been going on though is that my dream of starting a business making cafty home decor is slowly being realized.  It all seemed so overwhelming until my BFF and partner in crime decided that together we could make something awesome happen for ourselves.  We are both talented, we have an eye for design and we are very determined.  So we got to work and not long after we decided to g for it Cloud Nine Design was born!! We are still in the planning stages but our goal is to open a shop where we will carry our homemade home decor le wreaths, picture frames, flower pots, signs and customized plaques as well as refinished tables, dressers, desks,,,you get the idea...and we will not be stopping there, we have so many ideas and plans.  I invite you to follow along on this journey as I plan to update  my blog every step of the way.